Remembering to Record Things
Without a doubt, my decrease in posts is 1000% related to my ability to start training again. I should have predicted this lack of desire to blog about my recovery and made myself a reminder to write a little something about how I'm faring once a week or included a note in my Bullet Journal. Now that I'm finally able to say "I"m back baby!" I think it's time for a little update.
2 weekends ago, Andy, Cinder, and I skied Mount Saint Helens car to car in just over 7 hours (we took a 90-minute nap on the summit):
Nothing about the outing was fast; my legs were so tired on the skin to the top, my heels were blistered from miles of icy sidehilling (with baby ski skin), and I was sweating through my sunhoody once we climbed out of the trees. The negative aside, I was PSYCHED to be back on a volcano. It was C's first true summit and she ripped it back to the car, beating me down each slope and sticking with Andy and I like glue through the whole descent. I think she was feeling pretty proud of herself after the 10th time she outpaced me down to Andy (we always ski in turns) but I'll be able to give her a run for her kibble here in another couple of weeks... I hope.
Also, I [serendipitously] forgot my phone so all I took was a single selfie once we were back to the truck:

Last Saturday, we enjoyed some drunken night skiing with a giant group of people up at Ski Bowl. Two good friends of ours are getting married the month after us and they decided to throw an awesome party to celebrate their upcoming nuptials. It. Was. Amazing. And my legs were completely toasted at the end of the night!
Sunday was my biggest training day since my wreck; we did a quick ski tour in the morning up to ~7500', I ran my intervals (~4.8 miles total with walk breaks), and did PT. I also worked Bess on the longe-line so I got some horsey time in too! It was nice little multi-sport day!
After a couple of weeks of building up my running muscles, this week I am able to run 10 minutes x3, 3 days/week. I am supposed to be mixing some weight training into the program but I've been terrible about doing that lately. A big part of that has been due to some GI/food issues I've been having...
As of April 1, I am on a 4-week elimination diet :/ My ND is hopeful that we'll be able to get to the bottom of the GI pain, nausea, and water retention I've been experiencing but if not, I'll likely have to bite the bullet and do a blood test. I ended up with a weird, painful rash behind my ear at the end of last week which was extra neat. As of day 4, the rash is going away! The main things I've had to cut out are wheat, corn, eggs, alcohol, citrus, bananas, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, and refined sugar. My previous restrictions have had me off soy and dairy for years and I only selectively eat fish so the other big things on the 'typical' list weren't losses to me. Hopefully this works!
This weekend, the weather looks crap but tentatively, we'll be getting out to ski one of the days and to run and/or "mountain bike" (I use quotes because this is a new thing for me) on the other!
Cheers to health!