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Smith Rock, November 22-23, 2014

Feelin’ Sendy:


9 Gallon Buckets- 10a; send Cool Ranch Flavor- 11a; didn’t finish but felt good on TR until I got so so tiredddd. Time to Power Start- 10a; sketched myself out after the second bolt for some reason and then ended with a solid send Blue Light Special- 11b; hit the anchors on TR- aside from a sketchy start that involved miniature rock demons pushing my feet off of the wall, the beast mode undercling move felt better!


The Outsiders- 5.9; warm up send! Light on the Path- 10a; Alzheimer’s flash- I haven’t been on this route in 2 years and aside from a minor leg spasm excitement, I got it clean and it felt so so gooooood. #projectcomplete Caffeine Free- 10b; aside from a moment above the crux in which I nearly had Andy take, this route felt good. Frozen fingers helped define the crimpy section here but it was a one and DONE situation and I have another #project complete :)

This climbing weekend was epic. We camped in the snow on BLM land on Friday night and built a roaring fire, drank IPA, and eventually checked out the stars (after the storm clouds ran away).

Saturday morning was clear and cold- we saw some neat animal tracks (deer, rabbit, elk, and what I’m sure was a BEAR- but only maybe sure), and basked in the beauty that is sun reflecting on white snow.

Aside from one other pair, we were the only two climbers in the main park area- this was INCREDIBLE. We had our pick of the routes and got some good time in on the main wall. Andy had a wicked onsight of Blue Light and we both got in some good pitches. The snow on the ground was a pretty obvious deterrent but aside from 10 minutes of rain shortly into our climbing and the rain that chased us out of the park around 4pm, we had sunshine and beautiful, quiet climbing. It was amazing.

Saturday night, we made quesadillas at the rim, met up with some friends, and got to sleep in a REAL BED INSIDE <- spoiled.

Sunday we had even more amazing weather- it was a shirtless/sports bra climbing day for the first half! We climbed with a couple of friends and had a wonderful time playing around with their adorable dogs. We were feeling quite sendy and I got two projects done before we packed up and left. Andy gave Churning a good burn and looked amazing doing it- this was after sending Liquid Jade 12b on his second go (amazing).

Overall, this was an incredible weekend. The climbing was epic and successful. The weather was beautiful. The company was stupendous. The food and the beer? Also amazing. I can’t wait to go back :)

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