May 20, 20141 min read
The Struggle is Real
It is 1:30am in Athens! Aside from a few cat naps (the longest being about 2 hours long on the flight to Frankfurt), I haven’t slept in...
May 20, 20142 min read
With as many connections as I have printed on my itinerary, a mishap was bound to happen. Granted, I was expecting the mishap to occur...

May 20, 20140 min read

May 19, 20141 min read
Springfield, MO- Chasing Nature.
As a person who typically spends 90% of her non- sleeping time outside, being in the city is DRAINING. I was fairly overstimulated for...

May 19, 20141 min read
Springfield, MO- Beer Tasting at Springfield Brewing Company.
I felt like such a terrible beer snob but they had a couple drinkable pale ales; I basically spent my weekend craving a nice, dry IPA....